Hay fever season is here and looking after indoor air quality is very important.

Hayfever | Home Ventilation Auckland

Hay fever season is here and looking after indoor air quality is very important.

Experts are predicting this years (2023/2024) hay fever is going to be a long one because of the hot dry weather which is being forecasted. The most predominant hay fever triggers in New Zealand are grass and tree pollens. These pollens are almost microscopic, float in the air and are everywhere. In bad cases you can actually see clouds of yellow pollens in the air and they settle and coat every surface as a fine powder coating.

Many people are allergic to pollens, mould, dust, pet fur and dust mites and these are also asthma triggers. The most common symptoms experienced are runny nose, itchy watery eyes, throat tickles and persistent coughs, sneezing and sinus pain. Pollens can also be ingested and when encounter water or moisture release proteins which can trigger flu like systems. This is the body’s way of trying to expel the pollens and allergens from the body.

Popular combatants to hay fever and allergies is to take antihistamines, remain indoors and try to keep away from heavily grassed areas and trees. Mask wearing can also restrict the ingestion of pollen but will not prevent affecting the eyes, ears and nose. This is not always possible.

A few tips to help is to regularly wash clothing and bedding, don’t hang the washing out on the outside clothesline as it will get coated in pollens and we then wear it or sleep in it. Try and use an indoor clothes line, clothes horse or drier on cool. Dust and vacuum the home frequently with a good vacuum filter and it would be a good idea to wear a mask while doing so.  Another good tip is to have a shower and change your clothes once coming in from outside, this washes off pollens from your skin and hair and putting on non contaminated clothing.

Installing a good ventilation system such as the BDVair EC model with hospital grade filtration will filter all airborne pollens and allergens and will help to keep dust and dust mites to a minimum within the home or office. Opening doors and windows for ventilation during spring and summer simply lets more pollen, dust and particle matter inside. The ventilation filters will capture airborne contaminates to .3 micron, as an example common pollens average 25 micron in size, the smallest is 2.5 micron and the largest can be as big as 200 micron. These larger ones are the annoying yellow spots you see on your cars paintwork when parked outside.

Hay fever triggers are present all year round, not just in the spring and summer months. There are many other particles that can aggravate hay fever so looking after your indoor air quality home is beneficial all year round.

BDVair are happy to conduct a no obligation assessment and quote for a ventilation system to help alleviate hay fever and allergies, call and enquire today.

Call us now on 0800 238 247 or
Email: info@bdvair.co.nz
Visit: https://bdvair.co.nz/services/upgrading-a-system/
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